A rare childhood photo of Donna |

Donna with her cousin, Patricia Ruth |
The Kuhens Family, Chelmsford, MA - 1967 |

Joan, Brian, Culver & Pam |
Cousins Katherine & Brian on Fury with Culver |

The Kuhens Farmstead, Illyria, Iowa 1967 |
Brian's first Passport photo. |

Sage did not have to sit on Donna's lap for hers. |

An early lesson in metaphor. |

Brian in Antwerp, Belgium, 1968 |
Donna with her lovable Boxer, Pudge. |

Pam at Christmas, 1971 |

Dig them britches! |
Andreas Vollenweider Wannabe |

An improptu jam at Dinah's Shack. Brian played for his dessert. |
Brian always loved visiting the Koniares Family. |

Smart, fun, nice and, ultimately, powerful. |
Brian & Eddie made this Chinese Dragon... |

...for Sutter School's parade. 1976 |
Darla's 3rd at the Kuhens Farmstead, Illyria, Iowa |

Kris & Darla grew up in the same house where Sage was born. |
Brian in Rhode Island with his best friends... |

...Chris Dietz on the left; Steve Oats on the right. 1974 |
East Greenwich, RI, was a magic place for Brian. |

Proud Grampa Culver in Greenville... |

...with Theresa and Gabriel. Cute kids, eh? |
Bowling was much more Brian's [asthmatic] speed. |

One for High Game - 242; the other is Bowler of the Week. |
It is not easy to find photos of Donna. |

Brian took his full academic scholarship... |

...very, very seriously. |
One of Brian & Donna's Junior Proms |

Brian transfered to Donna's High School his senior year. |
Brian's Confirmation |

Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Taylors, SC |
Cousins: Brian, Katherine [Altendorf] & Teresa |

In Front are Kris [Knauff] and Darla [Barrows] |
Brian skied year-round on Lake Hartwell. |

He almost attended Clemson just for its water-ski team. |

Donna with Anne Taylor in Simpsonville |


Brian at the Summit of Mt. Rogers - 1993 |

This kid never stood a chance. |

Brian's first harp recital in Palo Alto, California, 1972 |
Brian also performed at Dinah's Shack |

Click the photo to learn more about this Silicon Valley incubator. |
Click here to learn about Brian's harp teacher, grande dame Phyllis Schlomovitz.
"The Thinker" |

Brian's formative encounter with Rodin's masterwork. |
As an Iowa farmhand, Brian rode bareback - 1978 |

The horse's name was Dusty; the dog's was Sloan. |
Brian's Kindergarten Class, San Jose, CA |

Brian is the one wearing a tie in the back row. |
Brian's Kindergarten Graduation |

Only the first of many dubious achievements for the lad. |
Brian got his love for convertibles honest... |

...and young. That's Brian in the back seat of Culver's sublime ride. Pam's ridin' shotgun. |
Again: This kid never stood a chance. |

Skating on Lynn Oaks Drive, San Jose, CA |
Mrs. Travis taught Brian "The 50 States" song that |

Sage was singing at 22-months. Brian is in back to the right his best friend, Eddie. Santa Clara, CA |
Grampa Bob Hennequin apprehends a suspect. |

This photo appeared in the Greenville News. |
Brian's soccer team taught him the true value of.. |

...stamina ... and that he suffers from asthma. He was spared humiliation by playing goalie. |
Cousin Mel Kuhens lending Brian a helping hand. |

This is as close as we'll get to seeing Donna... |

...as Brian saw her when they fell in love. c. 1978 |

Galen's, Denis' & Culver's visit Grandma Dorothy |

Brian was recovering from his first round of knee surgeries. |
Quintessential Kuhens: Amy Jo, then Cindy, Denis, |

Culver, Joan, Darla, Teresa, Kris |
This is when our ideas of how to rear Sage began. |

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential 1983 |
Brian loves this photo of his sister and niece. |

Pam Kuhens with Theresa [Blomberg] |
Piper Peters cut Brian's hair for a play... |

...for the kids at Camp Hope in Clemson, SC. It was the first job that kept him from the farm. |
Donna visiting the Morrison's Penthouse. |

We have always loved that painting. |
Brian and the boy who became his Best Man ... |

... Steven Reeder, who is now Chief Deposit Officer working for Access National Bank. |

Hiking Mt. Rogers in Virginia |

Allen Martel & Brian at MIT - 1988 |

Donna at the Kelestatious Shrine - 1987 |
